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The Combined Probus Club of Berwick Inc.


Registration No. A0032210R

Postal Address P.O. Box 577, Beaconsfield 3807


Our Club meets at The Old Cheese Factory, 34 Homestead Road, Berwick 3806 on the first Tuesday of every month except December and January.


The meeting commences at 10 am followed by a morning tea then a guest speaker.  Meetings finish at 12 noon.


The Club operates a Covid Safe environment for its members.

If you are looking for:

  • Fun

  • Fellowship

  • Meeting new friends  

  • Socialising

  • Finding new interests and going on tours

Then you need to join Probus





Probus Club Activities

Current Monthly 
 Group Activities 



Music Group               1st Thursday

Morning Tea               2nd Monday

Chat and Chew           2nd Tuesday

Craft Group                2nd Thursday

10 Pin Bowling           3rd Monday

Movies                       3rd Wednesday 

Walking Group           3rd Friday

Book Group                4th Tuesday

Luncheon Group         4th Thursday

Golf                            Every Wednesday 


  • We also run a book exchange at our General Meetings.

  • Monthly trips /outings are organised on a daily or overnight basis.

  • Special Occasion lunches - Christmas in December

  • Themed lunches on an ad hock basis. 







2019 BBQ.JPG

There are two types of activities in Probus Clubs.


Intraclub Interest Groups such as dining out,  book club,  golf, walking and coffee clubs.


Outings (between meetings) to places and organisations of interest to members, such as the theatre or social and sporting events. These may include overnight trips and tours.


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